Friday, January 4, 2013

My decision to go natural

I have always admired natural hair on other women but I never imagined that I would  have the courage to give up the "creamy crack." For as long as I can remember, I have always relied and depended on a perm to work miracles on my hair. I would religiously sit in salons for hours just to make sure my hair was bone straight without any kinks. If I detected  any new growth, I assumed that my hair was "napping up" and it was time to get another perm. Everyone I associated with had a perm and it was only natural for me to have one as well.

In June 2011, I had a really bad experience with the perm. It was hard for me to contact my regular beautician so I tried another beautician who always did amazing job on one of my friends hair. Although I usually didn't let anyone but my beautician do my perms, I allowed my friends beautician to give me a perm because I had a lot of new growth. I had to have a perm!!! I was really impressed with my hair after she finished until the next day. My scalp was dry, scaly, and itchy. I battled with the symptoms for weeks. I finally went to a dermatologist and he advised me that the perm she used was probably an old perm and it caused me to have a bad reaction. He also asked me not to get a perm for another 3 months because I had to shampoo my hair everyday with a medicated shampoo. I felt AWFUL!!! I couldn't imagine going without a perm. My hair was too nappy!!! I finally opted to get braids for the following 3 months so that I didn't have to deal with my hair.

Meanwhile, my best friend made the decision to go natural and she loved it! She would encourage me to go natural but I couldn't see myself doing it. I was really scared to take that step because I was scared of what other people would think and what my hair would actually look like!!! I did start researching natural hair and I became intrigued and obsessed with the information that I found. I actually wanted to take the plunge and go natural!!!

On November 27, 2011 two days after Thanksgiving, I couldn't take it any longer. I was visiting my sister for the holidays and I woke up and decided to cut my braids out. Yes!!!!! I cut my braids out... new growth and all! My hair was almost as short as my husbands. When I woke him up to allow him to see what I had done, he was so upset! He didn't like my hair and he didn't have a problem with letting me know that he didn't approve of me going natural. I became very self confident and I wore braids and wigs for the next 3 months just to satisfy him. I also contemplated going back to getting a perm because I of the reaction my husband gave me.

One day, my fifteen year old came up to me out of the blue and said " Mom, I like you hair! Don't worry about what dad thinks and just do you!" I cried like a baby!! I couldn't believe I was letting what someone thought  define my decision to do what I thought was right for me. I finally got tired of covering my natural hair  and I decided to just go with the flow and do me! I found out that the quality of my hair was actually better than I imagined and that made me even more confident! I started wearing my hair out and I am proud to say that I haven't turned back since. My husband now LOVES my hair and can't imagine me going back to the perm!!!

Although it is a lot of work caring for my natural hair, I wouldn't trade this experience for the world!I love my natural hair! I can truly say that my decision to go natural was one of the best decisions that I have ever made! India Arie says it best " I am not my hair" but I am Fanneca Curtis and I am Napturally Beautiful (with two snaps)!

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